The people behind the bees, Bythebees

Marjan and Daan arrived in New Zealand in 1994 from their native The Netherlands in search of adventure and clean green space. 

After raising our 4 beautiful Dutch Kiwis and having our own careers we got hooked on bees. Starting with 2 hobby hives our bee family quickly grew. At Bythebees every season is different, we will never stop learning about those fascinating creatures and their life in and around the beehive

"We can learn a lot from the bees, they make you more conscience of the environment we live in and how we treat it."

Human kind cannot live without these little insects, pollinating our crops and at the same time offer us a range of valuable products such as honey, pollen, propolis and wax.

Beeswax is such a unique and fascinating product with a history going back centuries. We feel it is there to be re-discovered as a sustainable product, good for the environment and good for our health.

Marjan in the candle shed,
her happy place

"What wonderful fantastic people to deal with...

...NZ Post lost my order. They sent a second order with a wee surprise. 

The candles are amazing and burn for ages. I might have to do a bulk order next!"

Joan, Balclutha


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